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Bridget aka Weirdini

Business Owners - for licensing or questions on usage of my designs for your own apparel, please email me at

Hey there, Weirdos!


I'm Bridget aka Weirdini aka Bridget the Goblin aka B. Welcome to my weird space! I am a bona fide Xennial (caught between Gen X & Millennial) and have been weird since before it was cool to do so. For the purposes of weird shit, my day job doesn't matter but my main hobbies include paranormal investigation and podcasting (see my projects below). 


I wanted to start wearing t-shirts that weren't mass marketed and only other weirdo's like me would understand. Weirdini's is my interest of vintage, horror, weird shit, cryptids and 90's nostalgia mashed up. I graduated HS in 1999 if that's any indicator. If you're into weird shit and would rather gag on a spoon than be though of as a prep, I probably have at least one design you'll like. 


My commitment to customers visiting Weirdini's is that I have chosen the best quality tees and printer I could find while keeping costs down. I am open to suggestions AND would LOVE to feature you as my Weirdini's model if you buy any of the tees - please send your pics to me via email ( 


Peace, Love & Weird Shit,




My Favorite Swear Word
Currently working on releasing the 3rd volume, these journals are dedicated to healthy venting. You won't find any of that toxic positivity shit here. When you wanna be in your moment and just hash it out w/ the universe, these journals might do the trick!
Spellbound Salem Radio
Entering it's 3rd year of existence, I host this podcast w/ the owner & tour guide from Spellbound Salem Tours in Salem, Mass. (Salem's original tour co). SSR focuses on weird shit related to the Salem region - from witch trials to warlocks, vampirism, alien encounters and tourism. If it's related to Salem, we talk about it!
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